Basic Information on Personal Data


The organisation responsible for the processing of your data is Fundación IVI located at Hospital La Fe, Edificio Biopolo, Avda. Fernando Abril Martorell, 106, Torre A, 1st. Floor. CP/46026, Valencia. Spain.

You may contact the Personal Data Controller through the following e-mail address: or the postal address above.


  • Providing an answer, in the first instance, and monitor any consultations, requests, queries, commentaries, doubts, complaints or any other concern you may have expressed through our contact form. We understand that, in filling in this form and providing the necessary data, you give your consent for your data to be processed for this purpose.
  • Sharing your personal data with other companies of Grupo IVI with the purpose of answering the consultations, requests, commentaries, doubts, complaints or any other concerns you may have expressed through our contact form. Your consent legitimates such processing.
  • Sending you commercial communications related to the supply of products and services offered by Fundación IVI both through electronic (e-mail, SMS or other applications) and non-electronic means. Your consent legitimates such processing.


  • Should you give us your consent, your personal data may be shared with other companies of Grupo IVI with the purpose of answering the consultations, requests, commentaries, doubts, complaints or any other concerns you may have expressed through our contact form.
  • Third party suppliers of services having access to your personal data, among which, Fundación IVI.


Data subjects can exercise their rights of access, rectification, cancellation and opposition concerning their data, revoke prior consents, exercise their rights of restriction of processing, data portability and the right not to be subject to a decision which is solely based on automated processing of their data.  

You can exercise the rights previously described through the following channels:

  • By giving written notification to Fundación IVI located at Hospital La Fe, Edificio Biopolo, Avda. Fernando Abril Martorell, 106, Torre A, 1st. Floor. CP/46026, Valencia. Spain.
  • With an e-mail sent to the following address:


You can review further information on Personal Data Protection by clicking on the following link

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